
Core Programme Worksheets

On this page you can find a full list of every resource in the programme.

Additional Resources

+75 summaries of the best business books, how to videos, Tedx talks and research papers.

This page contains a list of the worksheets, tools and resources in the P.R.O.F.I.T. Coach Certification. The buttons take you to the part of the programme where the video explaining the tool is and beneath the video you will be able to click to access the tool.

If you click a button and it takes you to the course page it is because the module the tool is in has not been unlocked under your membership yet. You can see the course schedule of how it unlocks here.

P.R.O.F.I.T. Coach Audiobook

To listen to the programme on the go you can downloadable the audiobook. Each module can be downloaded on the module page. To get to the module page just just click the module name on the training programme overview. There will be a button beneath the video for you to download the file. This was the easiest way to do it because of file size and because the programme unlocks sequentially to not overwhelm people.


Week 1: Day ZERO: Going Pro

Dream Life Calculator (Google Docs)

Also known as the High-End Recurring Income calculator. Use this to determine the 3 levels of finances you are aiming for: Security, Freedom, Wealth. Factors in debt and makes your goal more clear and achievable.

Profit Coach Action Roadmap (Trello board)

A ready made project management table for completing all videos and deliverables in the Profit Coach Programme. Use this to stay focused on the most important thing and stay motivated with your progress. 

Going Pro Optimised Day (Checklist)

Wish you could be at your bets every single day? This checklist is the foundational things you need to do to have high performance and high productive output every single day.

Exceptional Energy Worksheet

People always manage think about managing their time but rarely their energy. If you don’t have energy all the time in the world cannot help you so this simple exercise will make sure you consistently boost your energy bank account. 

Time-Management Worksheets

Time is your most precious resource and there are a number of ways for you to measure and improve the way you use it with these worksheets.

Setup Your Digital Environment (Checklist)

You can’t achieve anything meaningful if you are constantly distracted. The tools that are supposed to help us be productive are now the things that are pulling us away from meaningful work. This checklist will help you take back control.

Week 2: Best Coach

How To Be The B.E.S.T. C.O.A.C.H. Guide

An overview of the key principles of being the B.E.S.T.  C.O.A.C.H you can be. Just following these steps alone will make you more effective than 95% of other coaches. 

Week 3: Coached Method

Coaching Guide: C.O.A.C.H.E.D. Model

This is a coaching model that integrates all other coaching models and delivers the questions to ask in each section so you never have any doubt what to do with a client. 

Create Your Coaching Sheet- C.O.A.C.H.E.D. Method

Coaching is both art and science and this worksheet allows you to customise your approach picking the questions you find work best with your coaching style. 


Week 4: Coaching Plan

Coaching P.L.A.N. Overview Guide

The start of the coaching relationship is the most important time which is why we give you an exact plan of what to do in the first few sessions from the moment they have said they want to get started.

Positioning Guide (S.H.A.R.E. )

The first session is all about you taking control and understanding how to deliver immediate value and this guide shows you how to do that positioning.

Coaching Contract

Use this to formalise the agreement with clients and set expectations. 

Long-Term Lifestyle Guide (D.R.E.A.M.S )

It’s vital you get your client to see the long-term picture and know where they want to go so you can make the coaching effective for them and keep them long-term. This guide helps you do that.

Alignment Guide ( A.L.I.G.N.M.E.N.T.)

Perhaps the most important coaching session is the alignment where you clarify the direction of the coaching and establish the short term goals over the next 90 days. This guide tells you exactly what to do at each step. 

1 page growth plan (D.R.E.A.M.S.)

This can be used for yourself and your goals or your clients. It’s the simplest way to capture on one page everything that is most useful when setting goals. 

Dreams Designer

This is a comprehensive system for mapping every aspect of your or your clients life and creating a 1 page growth plan for each area. 

Week 6: Proof Generator

Promote Post Text, Image & Message Templates

These are the messages and images to use to attract your first initial free clients and how to respond to them once they say they are interested. 


Week 7: Perfect Offer

Perfect Offer Overview

Simpel 2 page document to keep track of your progress through the perfect offer

Your Story Worksheet

It’s much easier to make a perfect offer when it is is leveraging your past experience and expertise and this worksheets helps you uncover everything for the rest of the module. 

Core Clients Evaluator

Use our 3 step process to identify who is the best group of clients for you to work with and target based on your experience and the problems your solve. 

Perfect Offer Masterfile

Centralise all your market research, thinking and messaging in one document to keep everything aligned and improving as your learn more about your core clients and what works.

A.L.L.S.T.A.R. Profile Worksheet

Create an allstar LinkedIn profile following this worksheet so your LinkedIn profile stands out when reaching out to prospects. 

Effective Messages

We hired one of the best copywriters in the UK for coaches to work with our group for 3 months and craft 7 different introduction and 2nd messages that grab prospects attention. Everything is all around templated out for you. 

Follow-Up Messages

7 different copy and paste follow-up messages to keep adding value to clients and get them on a sales call written by one of the best copywriters in the Uk for coaches in combination with Pam our 7 figure coach.  

Coaching Packages Design

Get a head start on creating your coaching packages by using this done for you templates already beautifully designed you just need to put your prices and wording into. 

Pricing Your Coaching

Coaches often worry about what they should charge. So how about using something that does the thinking for you. Triangulate your pricing so you have absolute confidence in what to charge your clients. 

Week 8: Fast Funnel

Finding & Farming Implementation Guide

Know how to find prospects on LinkedIn or Facebook and reach out the them and start building your following. 

Finding & Farming Messages Written For You

We paid one of the top copywriters in the UK to write 6 variations of invite and connection messages for you. He also wrote 6 follow-up emails to add value to clients and get them to book a call.

15-minute Assessment Call

Build instant authority and determine if clients are the right fit by using this 15 minute call script and questions. 

Sales Call: Godfather Sales System Script

Follow this script to convert prospects into clients using advanced psychological principles and positioning. 

Transition Guide

Make sure you are ready to accept payments and take money online and get clients started in the right way. 

Re-engagement Sequence

Once you have built a list or following you can always use this as an example of a re-engagement sequence if you haven’t contacted them in a while. 

Week 9: Income Escalator

Ultimate Coaching Business Plan Model & Dashboard

Use this to determine exactly what numbers you need to hit in your coaching business and diagnose any problems.